Weber Carb Tuning
Base line Settings Speed Screw 1 to 1 1/2 turns
Mixture Screw 2 turns
Your settings with
engine running Speed Screw______________ Mixture Screw______________
is most important to verify all linkage and levers are installed without
binding and the linkage opens to full throttle position and is allowed to
close to the Idle Speed Screw. This is the number one and two reasons for
tuning errors, improper linkage installations and over tightened linkage nut,
causing binding in the linkage assembly.
BEST IDLE” Procedures After
confirming the linkage allows the throttle to seat against the Idle Speed
Screw. Back off the Idle Speed Screw until it doesn’t touch the throttle
lever. Turn the Speed Screw in until it contacts the throttle lever and turn
it in 1 ½ turns. Repeat this with the other carburetor. Turn the Mixture
Screw in until it “LIGHTLY” seats, then back out the screw 2 full turns. a.
Start the engine, it will run slow and like a tractor. As long as it will
stay running, the idle speed is not important at this point. b.
First, turn in each mixture screw until the engine runs worse, then back out
the screw ¼ turn at a time. The engine should start to smooth out. Continue
to back each screw ¼ turn at a time until the screw does nothing or runs
worse. Then turn it back in to the point where it ran best. You want to tune
the engine by sound. Adjust each mixture screw to the best, fastest and
smoothest running point. Do this procedure with each mixture screw. c.
Now you may adjust the Idle Speed Screw. It should be sensitive and only
“require” ½ turn out to lower the idle speed. The Speed Screw should never be
in more than 1 ½ turns in. d.
These carbs are commonly used in pairs, this makes the synchronization
important, be sure to bring the high flowing carb down to the low flow carb.
Then bring them both up to “proper” Idle speed. The Idle Speed Screws are
never opened more than 1½ turn in maximum. e.
After synchronizing multiple carbs, reconfirm steps b. c. & d. Pump
By-pass Valve:
pump by-pass valve is designed to allow fuel into the pump circuit and when
depressed, by-pass a percentage of the fuel delivered to the accelerator
pump nozzle/jets. (by-pass through a hole on the side of the valve back into
the fuel bowl). We have included the zero by-pass valve. (no hole in the
side) This will deliver all of the available fuel to the engine and not
by-pass back into the fuel bowl. This will increase the duration and fuel
volume of the pump shot with the original pump nozzle/jets. The accelerator
pump by-pass valve is located in the bottom of the fuel bowl. One is required
per carburetor. Simple
Rules for low speed calibration If
the mixture screw is more than 2 1/2 turns out turns then the Idle jet is too
lean (too Small). When the mixture screw is less than 1 1/2 then the Idle jet
is too rich (too large). These assumptions are based on the fact that the
speed screw setting is not opened more than 1 1/2 turns. If the speed
screw has to be opened 2 or more turns then this is also an indication of a
lean condition usually requiring greater change. At times it may appear to be
showing signs of richness or flooding it is really a lean condition. See
pictures and notes in the tech 2 article supplied in the kit instructions,
view and please understand the need to keep throttle plate as near to closed
as possible so as not to prematurely expose the transition holes. This is
what causes the visible rich condition, and confirms the need to increase the
jet size. JET KITS are available if needed. EXAMPLE
With the speed screw set at no more than one half (1 1/2) turns in after
contact with the stop lever; and the best idle occurring with the mixture
screw set at 3 turns from bottom, indicates the need for a larger Idle
jet. Achieving the best idle at under 2 turns indicates the need for a
smaller idle jet. The
secret to understanding the critical nature of the carburetor set up and the
advantages of a WEBER over other carburetors is the Idle circuit. Referred to
as the low speed circuit by Weber, this circuit is responsible for 80% of the
driving operation. This is the reason that the Weber should give a fuel
economy improvement over most factory carbs along with significant
performance gains. In the worst case you should not see a significant fuel
economy loss over stock, while improving HP & Drivability. The
Weber Carburetor is a sequentially timed device to the motor like the
distributor. Time taken in the setup will provide more fun later.